
BioGeometry is the science and study of sound, shape, color and motion orientation.

Here at Davidshealthyliving we utilize the teachings of BioGeometry when using sound, shape, color and motion orientation (especially movement) to help people heal.

For example

Red resonates with the frequency of 396hz, movements involving the lumbar spine and certain shapes. To see a demonstration of the shapes created by different sounds you can check out “Cymatics resonance videos” on YouTube. The majority of the videos will be a vibration plate with a speaker underneath it and sand or salt on top of it. It’s a beautiful demonstration of how shape is influenced by sound.

Here in studio what we do is use specific sounds, shapes, colors and orientations of motion based upon what we see going on in a client’s body.

For example if I see someone is out of balance in the second chakra as taught in the system of Yoga, I will proceed to play the frequency (sound) of 417hz as they perform exercises that move the particular area of body that is being thrown out of balance by that chakra. This is a “fields of contraction” kind of perspective when it comes to training and is why one the ways we refer to ourselves is “Holistic Personal Trainers. We blend our client’s ability to sense, feel, think and intuit together to create true empowerment for them. Below is some of what we use in studio…

Sound healing

Shape healing

Color healing

Movement healing


Breathing practices

We blend all of these things together to produce the greatest healing effect for people as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this video I speak on about doing this in studio.

We use this working concept of resonance with clients to help create a centering effect in their life. When we’re experiencing life from a centered place our physical body, thoughts, feelings, and intuition all work like a well oiled machine.

If you’d like to learn more about BioGeometry and the centering effect it can have on your quality of life you can check out this amazing article on “Physics of quality” from the BioGeometry website.

Love & life force be with you,

David with Davidshealthyliving


Centering, Yin-Yang


quality or Quantity?